Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

I decided to start my garden from seed this year.  Starting from seed extends the gardening season (which is always too short in Utah in my opinion), and also is much cheaper than buying the transplants. In honor of Earth Day here are some images of my little seedlings:

Newspaper works great for little seed starters. Just take one piece of black and white newspaper, fold it twice and roll it around a drinking glass and then tape up the bottom. Then fill them with seed starting soil and add your seeds! After about 4-5 days you will see little sprouts. 

I planted:

Heirloom Tomatoes
Zinnia flowers

These are my Zinnia's. 

They sprouted the fastest and are looking pretty already, don't you think?
I planted the lavender Zinnia. Here is what they will look like in full bloom:

Happy Earth Day everyone!


  1. Awesome way to start seedlings. I love the color choice of the Zinnias. Beautiful! Way to go girl! Your inspiring!

  2. What a beautiful proud little garden. Good Job Ashton. Maybe I'll get to work on mine this weekend. (My compost is already going strong!)
