Friday, May 20, 2011

Uneven, patchy, ugliness.

So after all of the prep work of stripping, chipping, and sanding these doors (which has taken way longer than anticipated, but doesn't it always?) it was finally staining time, and the moment of truth. 

I had my lovely mom to assist me.

And no she is not pregnant, we wanted our staining rags handy so we would be ready to wipe that stain off at the drop of a hat. So we stuck them under our shirts :)

After MUCH deliberation (I seriously stressed about this) I chose English Chestnut to stain the doors with. I had actually originally wanted to whitewash them just to keep the house nice and bright. But after testing that I hated it. So I decided that a wood door with white trim will be woody, earthy, and clean, which is kind of the theme of my life. I actually considered calling my blog; woody, earthy, and clean. Bad idea? Ya everyone I asked thought so. 

Stain on!! And it looks gorgeous!! I was ecstatic! I was going to have one of those blogs that make everything look super easy to do, and everything they do, turn out super cute! My life is complete!


Wipe the stain off and this is what I saw. Uneven, patchy, ugliness. Nothing like the beautiful woody, earthy, clean vision I had. Dang. Oh and please forgive the cluttery carport, that's a whole other project in itself. So my journey in the DIY world is going to be a long road. But I am not giving up. I am taking all and every suggestion on what to do with these doors.

Instead of leaving you with this pitiful excuse for a picture I will leave you with yet another picture of my dog. Mocha, take it away.

Have a beautiful weekend.


  1. hmmm. I can only think of painting them. Are you still wanting to use them for doors? I've seen really cute desks and such made out of doors :)

  2. How frustrating! Here is the name of that stuff I was telling you about when I saw you last: Rust-Oleum Cabinet Transformations.

    I've never used it, but my sister in law did and it turned out really good and it was easy because you don't have to strip, sand, or prime.

    P.S. your mom's hair turned out really cute!

  3. You're going to save those doors. I know it. And how great is Mocha? SO great.

  4. How frustrating! I have had bad experiences with staining stuff before. Its never as easy as some people make it look.
